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On the Immanent Validation of Aberrant Movements: Towards a Deleuzian Notion of Prudence Based on the Masochist Attitude.

In: La Deleuziana, Dossier – Primer Coloquio Red Estudios Latinoamericanos Deleuze & Guattari, 2019.

Abstract: As Lapoujade remarks in Aberrant Movements, the articulation of rupturing potencies, or, as he terms it, of aberrant movements, is central in Deleuze’s thought. This article formulates the problem of immanent validation of the aberrant movement, this is, the question of how we can determine if, when and how it is worth it, or justified, to follow and articulate the aberrant movement, knowing that it is always, inherently, destructive. I will explore this question with Lapoujade and Boundas, to then elaborate a Deleuzian notion of prudence based on the masochistic attitude.

About the issue: Deleuze and Guattari's ideas have been widely discussed in Latin America for several decades now. However, it is not possible to speak of a homogeneous reception across the continent. Indeed, the impact of these ideas is not registered in the same way in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile, for example. In some countries, the philosophy of the authors of The Anti-Oedipus begins to be discussed in the 1990s in schools of psychology, while in other countries it is mainly the schools of art and architecture that take up their legacy towards the end of the century. And in other countries, perhaps to a minority, such as Brazil, a transversal effect can be seen today in the so-called "humanities" that began to take shape in the 1980s.


This dossier is a selection of the papers presented at the "I Coloquio internacional Red de Estudios Latinoamericanos Deleuze y Guattari", held in the city of Valparaíso, Chile, on 9 and 10 November 2018, which brought together researchers from Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Canada, the United States and Australia.

© Julie Van der Wielen

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